Mr. Speaker, I do want to get to the member's comment about New Flyer and the great work that it does. I was surprised to hear the member say that he has been talking to dairy farmers who think this is a great deal. Having been there for virtually the entirety of the committee hearings and having heard from a lot of people in the dairy industry, I want the member to know that I think if he looks at the record he will find that dairy farmers are actually rightly quite upset with the contents of the deal for them. We heard that loud and clear. We heard that many times over. He can believe what he wants about the deal, but I do not think he should believe that dairy farmers are satisfied with the treatment they got in CUSMA. That would just be an error.
I notice he mentioned New Flyer in his remarks. It makes a great product. It sends that product all over North America. One of the challenges for New Flyer has been that it continues to have to shift jobs out of my riding of Transcona to the United States because of the buy America policy. There is no protection for Canadian businesses from the buy America policy.
Does the member want to provide some reflections on that, particularly in light of the U.S. announcing an intention to leave the procurement provisions of the WTO?