No, it was not rousing; it was more grating. I am trying to put it into the proper context. I encourage the member for Winnipeg North to take a little drive. He does not even have to leave the Perimeter Highway. I know often in the city he only has perimeter vision and only sees within the city of Winnipeg itself, but he does not even have to hit the Perimeter Highway. He can go and visit Gord Grenkow, a dairy farmer who lives on the edge of his riding and in my riding. I know he would get an earful about how the government sold out the dairy industry.
Not only did the government allow the Americans to have more access to the market here in Canada by another 7%, which means that dairy farms are going to have to produce less and they are not going to be as profitable, but it also signed a deal with the Americans, who said they were going to restrict exports from 55,000 metric tons down to 30,000 metric tons. That is global exports, not just with the United States. The Americans are saying that we cannot send Canadian dairy products, like our great cheeses and ice creams, around the world because these guys signed off with Trump to allow them to curtail our dairy production. That is despicable.