Protecting our seniors is and always will be a priority for our government. We have shown that seniors are extremely important to us. We need to give them the comfort and security they deserve.
Since the creation of the ministry of seniors in 2018 and the appointment of the member for King—Vaughan as minister in 2019, our government has shown unprecedented levels of involvement and a willingness to take care of our seniors. By creating a ministry dedicated to seniors, our government has shown just how important seniors are and has made it possible to implement special measures tailored to their needs.
I am thinking about new horizons for seniors, a grants and contributions program. The aim of this ambitious program is to support projects that make a difference in the lives of seniors from coast to coast to coast. The program promotes volunteerism among seniors and supports their social participation through the mentoring of others. It also supports the inclusion of seniors in society in order to prevent the isolation and exclusion they all too often experience.
This innovative program provided $25,000 in funding over one year for eligible projects. In my riding, we secured almost $25,000 in grants for two seniors' centres. Âge d'or St-Ferdinand—Fabreville used the money to buy tables, a bingo cage and bingo accessories for seniors' card and bingo nights. The Manoir Thérèse-Casgrain's seniors' club replaced their carts with safer ones for their evening activities.
This program is so popular with Canadians that it is being renewed this year, and the application period runs from September 9 to October 20. The value of this program is clear from the sheer number of applications. These investments are necessary, since they allow seniors' centres to continue organizing activities during these difficult times. They also help combat isolation and create mentorship roles for seniors so that we can benefit from their wisdom.
Most importantly, they address seniors' special needs, which are a major modern concern in our society. Our seniors' safety is our top priority, so replacing old equipment is crucial.
I am also thinking about the caregiver credit, which is aimed at providing financial support for those who help and care for our seniors. Caregiving is a calling that deserves to be valued, and the government has recognized this and will continue to do so.
On a related subject, the guaranteed income supplement gives lower-income seniors an additional monthly allowance to help them meet their specific needs. Furthermore, we must not underestimate the pandemic's effects on our mental health, and we must continue supporting programs that address this problem. We also need to recognize the importance of assistance for veterans, to ensure that they are not left behind as we tackle the challenges of the pandemic.
The throne speech made it clear that the government is once again committed to helping seniors during this long Parliament. Concrete measures were announced yesterday, such as increasing old age security for Canadians over the age of 75 and boosting the Canada pension plan survivor benefit. The government is also committed to taking additional action to help seniors stay in their homes and live independently. We will work with our provincial and territorial partners to set new, national standards so that seniors get the best support possible.
We will also amend the Criminal Code to explicitly penalize those who neglect seniors and put them in danger.
In addition, we will bring forward a disability inclusion plan, which will include a new Canadian disability benefit modelled after the guaranteed income supplement for seniors; a robust employment strategy for Canadians with disabilities; and a better process to determine eligibility for government disability programs and benefits. In these uncertain times, we owe it to them to keep taking care of our seniors.
COVID-19 has further isolated seniors from their families because they are vulnerable to this virus. We must continue to protect them during this pandemic, by following health guidelines and visitation rules. I know it is hard to not be able to see loved ones, parents, grandparents and friends, but we must come together to keep them safe.
I want to tip my hat to our hard-working health care workers for the outstanding job they are doing protecting us every day. It is our responsibility to ensure that their work will not be in vain.
I have a special place in my heart for the staff at the Sainte-Rose CLSC and CHSLD, who fight this virus day after day.
I also want to acknowledge the incredible resiliency of our food banks, which, despite the circumstances, continue to support those most in need. I want to remind members that their operations depend primarily on our individual donations.
The next few months will be crucial in the fight against the pandemic, and it is up to every one of us to ensure that the situation improves. Every day all of us wage our own battle against this vicious virus, and we must battle it every day.
We are in constant contact with the municipal, provincial and federal authorities to reassure our fellow citizens and to help them get through this crisis.