I want to thank the hon. member for a very good point.
I want to remind all members that when they are voting, what they have in the background cannot be a prop or promote a certain ideology. It has to be as neutral as possible, much like what we have in the House. When voting, male members have to be wearing a jacket of some sort in order to speak. Normally, we have to wear a tie in the House and I would encourage everyone to wear a tie.
While we are on the topic, I want to remind all members that it is up to them to be in an area where they have good connectivity. If they can plug directly into their network, it makes it that much better. If they are in a place where the Wi-Fi is not very strong, they should find themselves a place where it is strong enough to vote and be heard.
I would like to thank all hon. members for their participation on this very historic evening.