Mr. Speaker, today Canadians of Scottish heritage celebrate the memory and legacy of poet Robert Burns. Over 260 years after his birth, Burns endures because he spoke strongly to people through his words, which still resonate today. They are words of empathy, humanity and unity.
It was my father who taught me Burns's Auld Lang Syne, To a Mouse and My Heart's in the Highlands. Then, my dad gave me his treasured book of Burns' poetry, which had been passed down from his father. The leather cover was long gone and the pages were worn and tattered, but the book remains one of my most prized possessions. The poems are a “cup o' kindness” during difficult times. After all, Burns' abiding message is one of fellowship and love for others.
To each of my friends, I wish an uplifting virtual Burns Night supper filled with dance, pipes, poetry and song.