Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize and commemorate a great man, the honourable Manmeet Singh Bhullar. His life was taken too soon in 2015 after stopping on the highway to help a motorist.
Mr. Bhullar was committed to helping those most in need, not only here in Canada, but also around the world. Through his efforts and a collaboration between the Government of Canada and the Manmeet Singh Bhullar Foundation, a great number of Afghan Sikh and Hindu minorities are now here in Canada and thriving. Children are in school, and families are working and giving back to our communities. Most importantly, because of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, they are able to freely practise their religion. They are living the Canadian dream. His legacy will live on as his work continues through the foundation in partnership with the Government of Canada.
Meeta, as many of us called him, inspired so many of us in this chamber. His passion, drive and energy were contagious, and he touched many lives while he was with us.
I thank my friend for inspiring us. He will be forever missed.