Madam Speaker, before the Christmas break, I asked the Minister of Veterans Affairs to explain why Veterans Affairs Canada was calling veterans across the country who were deemed eligible for and were already receiving the diminished earning capacity determination and telling them that they suddenly were no longer eligible.
In a specific case, the veteran was told that the office had lost the information that provided the proof of his eligibility and wanted the veteran to find the paperwork for the department. In my opinion, that is the problem of the government, not the veteran.
I hear from veterans across Canada about how frustrated they are when they experience having to reprove, again and again, serious health issues or concerns. We should do better for them.
In response to my question, the minister said that he appreciated my question and would look into the situation. He promised to address it promptly. I followed up with a letter, and the veterans and I are still waiting. Fairness should be at the very core of our supports for veterans after they served us so well.
We see the reality, though. The reality is that right now veterans are on a huge wait list for disability supports, tens of thousands of veterans. We still see veterans pointing out that the pension system is not fair in our country. With different streams, some veterans are eligible for certain access to programs while others are not. It is not based on the needs of veterans, but when they applied.
Also, veterans have had significant timelines missed because the workers at Veterans Affairs Canada are burning out faster than they can be replaced. It is absolutely appalling that veterans who did the work on time but did not get the supports when they needed them are now left out of certain programs simply because timelines were missed because service providers were not there.
Most recently, we saw the veterans ombudsman's report on the serious concerns around restrictions on mental health supports for families. That is seriously shocking for me. We know that veterans need a stable family. If the supports are not there for that family, that family could break down, and that is not good for veterans.
Veterans have fought for our country. Just recently we saw them go into horrific situations in seniors' long-term care homes during COVID. I represent 19 Wing Comox. I am amazed by the service I see in our communities across Canada. For example, last year the serving members from 19 Wing went to Shamattawa First Nation to help out during the COVID outbreak.
I cannot say enough good things about our search and rescue folks. They help people in situations I cannot even imagine walking into.
When will Canada get it right and serve our men and women in uniform correctly? Why do we have service people, veterans who have served our country now being told they are no longer eligible even though they were receiving the benefit? It does not make sense. When will the Liberal government fix it?