Madam Speaker, it is an honour to rise today to speak to this opposition motion, and I want to thank the member for Wellington—Halton Hills for introducing it. It is substantive and addresses a real and pressing issue, and I can honestly say, having had the opportunity to sit in the House today and listen to the speeches, questions and answers from all sides, that I genuinely feel more informed and understand this issue better than I did when I woke up this morning. I give credit to the member for that.
Our government has on many occasions spoken in the House about the work it is doing to strengthen the rules-based international order. In the wake of the Second World War, the foundations of this order were laid by numerous outstanding Canadians, including Louis St-Laurent and Lester B. Pearson. Since then, Canada has worked with other countries to build on those foundations. The result has been unprecedented periods of peace and prosperity. We have not achieved perfection, but we have certainly made progress. Respect for human rights lies at the heart of the rules-based international order.
The United Nations was founded on three pillars: to advance peace and security, development, and human rights. Its member states came together 72 years ago to approve the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, putting people, not states, at the centre of the new international order. This declaration lays out the obligations that all governments have to their citizens.
Today, the rules-based international order faces dire challenges. There are some governments that seem to believe in an international order that is not for the people but for the states. This is certainly not Canada's approach.
Canada stands up for human rights everywhere and at all times. Canada stands up for the people of Venezuela, for the people fleeing their homes in Myanmar, for the people of Yemen suffering in the midst of war, for the people of Belarus calling for free and fair elections and for the Uighurs facing repression, persecution and arbitrary mass detention.
It is clear that the promotion and protection of human rights deserve more attention than ever before. Canada is doing its share. However, the challenges are daunting across a whole range of human rights, especially now in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Freedom of opinion and expression and the freedom to think what we want and say out loud what we want are cores of our human identity, yet in too many countries this is under assault. On the multilateral front, Canada has consistently raised concerns regarding violations of freedom of expression, including freedom of the media at the UN Human Rights Council, at the UN General Assembly and in other international forums.
Canada has worked with its partners to pass resolutions at the UN on freedom of expression, human rights defenders, Internet freedom and for the safety of journalists. Canada helped found and co-chairs the Media Freedom Coalition, a group of 43 countries committed to addressing issues around freedom of press.
It is not only the freedom to speak that is under attack. Many governments are also cracking down on the freedom to love, lesbian, gay, bisexual, intersex and two-spirit people face discrimination and violence. Canada works to advocate for the rights of LGBTI persons in two areas: advocacy in the decriminalization of same-sex conduct and the elimination of violence and discrimination targeting LGBT people.
Canada has developed programming that addressed human rights training for police, the judiciary and schools. Canadian missions support the work of the local LGBTI civil society groups through the Canada fund and local initiatives. Canada also serves as co-chair on the Equal Rights Coalition, the world's first intergovernmental forum for the protection of the rights of LGBTI people. We continue to play a central role in the coalition.
People in some countries are deprived of their liberty and have their economic, social and cultural rights threatened because they are members of religious minorities. Canada's approach to promoting freedom of religion or belief includes advocating on behalf of persecuted faith and belief communities opposing religious hatred, discrimination and others, and fostering greater mutual respect and understanding through interfaith, intercultural dialogues.
In addition, Canada is committed to building a more inclusive world, free from racism. As recent events at home and abroad have made increasingly clear, systemic racism is a global concern, a root cause of exclusion and one of the greatest barriers to our collective well-being. As we work at home to dismantle systemic racism, which continues to impact indigenous peoples, Black Canadians and other racialized people, we are also promoting anti-racism and inclusion abroad by continuing to lead the conversation about the value of inclusion and respect for diversity with our international partners bilaterally and multilaterally.
Canada also continues to be committed to the struggle to see the human rights of women fully recognized. Canada is a long-standing advocate for the advancement of gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls, and the realization of their human rights both at home and abroad. Internationally, Canada has a long-standing commitment to the human rights of women and girls, with the affirmation of feminist values at the core of our foreign policy efforts, including the launch of our feminist international assistance policy.
One of the most effective ways of improving the status and well-being of women and girls is by ensuring their full, equal and effective participation in decision-making at all levels politically, economically and socially. Canada works in a multilateral context with the Human Rights Council and other forums to champion issues such as eliminating violence against women and ending early and forced marriage. We need women's leadership to catalyze the change we want to see globally and help tackle many of the world's most intractable problems. Many governments that deny basic human rights to their own citizens are cracking down on people who stand up for the rights of their neighbours.
Canada recognizes the key role played by human rights defenders in promoting and protecting human rights and strengthening the rule of law. The promotion of respect for human rights defenders is critical and inclusive, safe and prosperous for societies. Canada is concerned with the rising threats against human rights defenders, such as enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrest, unlawful imprisonment, torture and unfair trials.
Canadians are reminded every day about the importance of human rights, and they expect their governments to be vigorous advocates for human rights at home and abroad. This is why the government is committed to protecting people at risk of persecution and to speaking out against the regimes that violate the fundamental freedoms of their people, including those that engage in torture and other forms of mistreatment.
Canada highly values the rules-based international order and will continue to co-operate with the international community and civil society to put an end to torture. In addition, Canada has made it clear that it opposes the death penalty and supports the abolition of the death penalty internationally. Canada undertakes clemency intervention in all cases where Canadians are facing execution in foreign jurisdictions.
In an era of rapid technology and technological developments, Canada strongly believes that the human rights and fundamental freedoms individuals have offline must also be protected online. Through its participation in the Freedom Online Coalition, Canada has affirmed the importance of supporting Internet freedom for individuals worldwide, as well as links between digital inclusion and the protection and promotion of human rights.
Every human being is born with human rights. That is the reason for Canada to commit itself to building respect for those rights. However, while human rights have intrinsic value, they also have practical value. The societies where diversity and human rights are respected, societies that adopt inclusive approaches so that all citizens can contribute, are the most successful. Canada believes that all governments must recognize that they are accountable to their own people. We need to remember that people are at the heart of the international rules-based order.
There is much to be done to build greater respect for human rights globally. To reach our maximum potential, all governments must do their part. Canada will continue to work to advance respect for human rights by standing up and by reaching out.