Madam Speaker, Bollywood is a big deal for film production in India and internationally. Maple Ridge’s Dr. Biju Mathew’s book on Anand Kumar and the Super 30 is the inspiration behind a blockbuster Bollywood film starring Hrithik Roshan. The film dramatizes how Anand pours out his life to give underprivileged children in the slums the opportunity to overcome all obstacles to attend India’s top institutions.
Dr. Mathew is also the founding president of the Ridge Meadows South Asian Cultural Society, or RMSACS. RMSACS organizes galas that showcase outstanding contributions by South Asian immigrants to Canada. Dr. Mathew was also a catalyst in expanding psychiatric services at Ridge Meadows Hospital to 22 beds. Many thanks also go to Ron Antalek for his $1-million contribution.
In addition, Dr. Mathew has helped establish our local Youth Wellness Centre, or the Foundry. This has been key to helping youth who struggle with mental health and addictions challenges.
I thank Biju for all that he has done and continues to do.