I appreciate the heckle, but it was not all blacked out, despite the fact that his former colleague said that. The only thing that was blacked out was telephone numbers, which the member for Carleton is obsessed with obtaining.
They are raising this because in response to the document production that they received last summer, this was more than the Conservative party could handle. In fact, as I mentioned earlier, they uploaded the documents to an online portal, asking the public to help digest and assess all the information that was provided. They actually crowdsourced the information. That is how much information was turned over to the opposition parties.
In all 5,000 pages, only one document referenced Mr. Chin. That document was provided and disclosed by the Prime Minister's Office, not some hacked-up conspiracy by the member for Carleton, suggesting that he discovered it under a rock somewhere. It was provided by the Prime Minister's Office almost a year ago.
In all of the 5,000 pages, there is only that one single exchange, and I would add that it was after the contribution agreement had been publicly announced. It was an exchange on LinkedIn, read several times in the House, and I will repeat it. However, members will note that when I do repeat it, I am not using the same sinister tone that other members have to imply some kind of massive cover-up.
On June 27, Craig Kielburger messaged Mr. Chin, “Hello Ben, Thank you for your kindness in helping shape our latest program with the gov't. Warmly, Craig.” On June 29, two days later, Mr. Chin responded, “Great to hear from you Craig. Let's get our young working!” The party opposite keeps raising this one single exchange as a massive new development, when in reality this was uncovered last year. I will reference one of those times.
On August 19, 2020, eight months ago, CTV wrote, “A few months down the line, when the program was approved, Craig Kielburger sent a LinkedIn message to one of [the PM's] top advisers, Ben Chin, thanking him for his 'kindness' for helping to shape” the program. The member for Carleton parades around here as though he just uncovered this damning new evidence. It has been around and publicly reported since August 19, 2020.
On another instance, seven months ago, on August 19, 2020, CBC wrote, based on a news conference by the member for Carleton himself, “As one example [the member for Carleton] pointed to a June 27 message from WE Charity co-founder Craig Kielburger to senior PMO staffer Ben Chin thanking him for his help on the the program.” Mr. Poilievre—I apologize, I did what I accuse so many people of—the member for Carleton back on August 19 was referencing this quote. He has been using that quote since August. I feel sorry for the members of the opposition—