Mr. Speaker, I actually specifically addressed the benefits I personally received from language classes at Faculté Saint-Jean, so I very much understand and appreciate the value of communities that are created by physical locations.
I addressed the issue of potential changing technology around the delivery of university education relatively parenthetically at the end of my remarks, but it is important to note that change in technology may provide opportunities for strengthening these campus communities as well. Perhaps existing campus communities would also be able to draw in additional revenue by offering online as well as in-person opportunities. That does not, in any sense, negate the value of those campus environments, but it gives them more flexibility to offer more courses, more offerings, and to reach more students in person as well as remotely.
These kinds of evolutions are going to happen as people seek for them to happen, but we should be watching and attentive to these trends and supporting innovation so all of our campus communities can survive into the future.