Mr. Speaker, today, it is with great honour that I am able to share some words with the House about an incredible fellow New Democrat, a leader, someone who is a humanitarian, a diplomat and a scholar.
Stephen Lewis has lifted the lives of millions of people and someone who continues to inspire future generations of progressive leaders. He right now is battling a very serious illness, but he does not want us to talk about that illness. He does not want us to talk about him. He wants us to do what he has always advocated for, speaking about people who need help the most.
Recently, Stephen Lewis has indicated exactly who those people are: people who come from low-income countries that are not able to afford the vaccines to fight this global pandemic. We stood shoulder to shoulder recently, fighting against big pharma and urging the Liberal government to give these countries a fighting chance against the pandemic.
The same way Stephen Lewis throughout his life has shared love and compassion for others, the same way he has stood for people, today I want Stephen Lewis and his family to know that we stand with them.