Madam Speaker, I, like the member opposite, understand the importance of agriculture, but I want to correct the record. There were almost $400 million in the fall economic statement for greening initiatives in agriculture to support the work that is already going on, and there are almost $400 million more in the budget, so I was a little disappointed in his remarks.
The member mentioned our price on pollution. I am curious as to what he says to his constituents when he talks about the Conservative carbon tax. Does he think that is a program that will actually help individuals. They are focusing on larger emitters. Who does he think those costs are going to get passed on to? It will be the average person and the average farmer.
Why does he think it is a good idea for a Conservative government to tell individuals how to go about spending their own money? Our plan returns the money to individuals. Ironically, the Conservatives want a big government plan where they have savings accounts for every individual.
Could the member opine on what he tells his constituents?