Mr. Speaker, Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are no strangers to stepping up to help others in times of crisis, and this week is no different. I was so proud yesterday when I saw nine health care professionals step up and then step on a military aircraft to fly to Ontario to get to work supporting their stressed and over-worked colleagues in the Toronto University Health Network. That group included Bonnie Chaulk of Deer Lake, which is in my riding in the Long Range Mountains.
Our province and our residents have done a great job of keeping the COVID-19 pandemic under control. That now allows our health care heroes to help others in their time of need. This pandemic is pushing doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and everyone involved in health care to their limits across the country. However, this is especially true in Ontario. It is clear that part of our Canadian family needed help and that is what these incredible individuals are doing. They are helping their colleagues in need.
To Bonnie and all the health care professionals who headed from my province to Ontario yesterday, on behalf of all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, I send our thanks. I am sure I can speak on behalf of all members in this House in giving our thanks as well. I urge them to stay safe.