Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Bloc Québécois, I am pleased to congratulate the Scottish National Party and the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, for their resounding victory in Thursday's election.
The majority of the people of Scotland voted very clearly in favour of holding another referendum on their future with the United Kingdom. Considering that the Scots voted strongly against Brexit in 2016, a referendum on Scottish independence seems most appropriate and could end in victory.
It is my sincere wish that the will of the people of Scotland is heard and that democracy is not impeded by the government of Boris Johnson, who is refusing to let their nation simply express itself.
I want to reiterate that a people's right to self-determination is a fundamental principle to which any democracy worthy of the name must adhere. I therefore invite every party in the House of Commons to reiterate their unconditional support for this principle to assure Scotland that its friend Canada will stand behind its values and support Scotland's choice either way.