Mr. Speaker, according to the Women's National Housing & Homelessness Network, homelessness among women, girls and gender-diverse peoples in Canada is a crisis hiding in plain sight.
It explained that the extent of the problem is difficult to fully understand due to the hidden nature of their homelessness and the way women tend to avoid traditional shelters and other options since these spaces tend to be dominated by men. That puts women in precarious scenarios as they rely on relational and potentially dangerous supports when what they really need is a system that understands their needs and a housing policy that prioritizes them.
The network identified eight challenges and opportunities in seeking to prevent and end homelessness amongst women, girls and gender‑diverse peoples, and it does not consider the challenges to be insurmountable.
While there is a plan to allocate 25% of housing strategy funds for the unique needs of women and girls, it is critical that responses to homelessness among women, girls and gender-diverse peoples are urgently prioritized.