Madam Speaker, Canadians can see right through the government's tired, old excuses. That is not the kind of transparency Canadians are owed.
The Prime Minister has become the boy who cried national security wolf once too often. Canadians remember how the government invoked national security as an excuse not to come clean about a sole-sourced contract for parkas. These were not military parkas; they were parkas for refugees, and the government covered up the contract.
Lawful firearms owners have taken the government to court to challenge the scary-looking gun bans. They have learned all government evidence to justify the gun grab has been deemed a national security secret.
Hotel quarantine costs, a national security secret; vaccine contracts, a national security secret; and the Prime Minister's sock budget, a national security secret. This is not how a democratic society is supposed to work.
It is time for the government to stop crying national security wolf any time it has embarrassing information it wants to hide.