Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order. There have been consultations among the parties and, given concerns around the delta variant, I think you will find unanimous consent for the following motion: That, notwithstanding any standing order, special order or usual practice of the House, the provisions in paragraph (q) of the order adopted on Monday, January 25, concerning the proceedings of standing, standing joint, special and legislative committees, delays on committees as well as any of their subcommittees, shall remain in effect: (i) between Friday, June 25 and Tuesday, June 29; (ii) between Friday, July 16 and Friday, August 20; and (iii) between Monday, September 13 and Sunday, September 19, provided that any requests made under the provisions of Standing Order 106(4) shall be signed by any four members of the committee who together represent at least two recognized parties.
In the House of Commons on June 23rd, 2021. See this statement in context.