Mr. Speaker, in response to part (a), the study was originally planned to be completed by March 31,2021, as per the contribution agreement between the Government of Canada and the Province of New Brunswick. COVID-19 related restrictions impacted data collection work and stakeholder engagements, resulting in the study being completed in June 2021.
In response to parts (b) and (c), the study provided three viable solutions that could be considered for the protection of the national trade corridor located in the Chignecto Isthmus. Transport Canada’s role is limited to making a financial contribution to the Province of New Brunswick. Transport Canada is neither a decision-maker nor an administrator to the study. Information related to the release of the study should be directed to the Province of New Brunswick’s project manager, Michael Pauley, at (506) 612-1141 or at
In response to part (d), there is no plan to table the study in the House of Commons as Transport Canada is not the study proponent.