Mr. Speaker, weaving, crochet and needlepoint are true art forms. They are precious, unique and rare arts that may have disappeared were it not for the Cercles de Fermières du Québec.
In my riding, these arts are thriving thanks to the knowledgeable and passionate women of the Cercle des Fermières de L'Isle‑aux‑Coudres, which is celebrating its 65th anniversary.
Founded in 1957, the association is fortunate to still have two of its original members, Fernande Desgagnés and Marie-Ange Harvey. I would just like to take a moment to fondly remember my late grandmother, Mathildée Tremblay, who was also a founding member.
My regards to the current president, Ginette Claude, vice-president Gisèle Dufour, and the 64 members who reside on our wee island. Together, our farm women are seeing to it that our precious cultural and artisanal heritage is passed on to the next generation.
These women are carrying on a priceless tradition with pride, and they deserve my heartiest congratulations and deepest gratitude as a fellow “Marsouine”. A fair wind to you, Cercle des Fermières de L'Isle‑aux‑Coudres, and to all Quebeckers.