Mr. Speaker, I rise today in recognition of World Spine Day, which is taking place this year on October 16.
The purpose of World Spine Day is to raise awareness around back health and spinal disorders. Musculoskeletal conditions like low back pain are a leading cause of disability, impacting 11 million Canadians each year. These conditions are more prevalent than cancer, stroke, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s combined. One in eight Canadians suffer from chronic low back pain, and it is responsible for almost one-third of lost time at work. This is an important issue that impacts the health and economic well-being of our communities, large and small.
This year's theme is “Every Spine Counts”, which emphasizes the diversity of the underserved communities impacted and the need for improving access to regulated essential spinal health services, like chiropractors.
Today and on World Spine Day, I call on all members to recognize the importance of spinal disorders and spinal health in our communities.