Mr. Speaker, another day, another $100,000 of new debt, all on the backs of Canadians. The costly coalition has added more to Canada’s debt than every prime minister who came before him combined. The result is record-high, Liberal-made inflation and six consecutive interest rate hikes.
The Conservative Leader has been warning for years that out-of-control Liberal spending would cause inflation to balloon. More Liberal spending means the Bank of Canada had to increase the money supply, meaning the printers kept rolling. This led to record Canadian credit card debt and food bank usage.
The finance minister wants us to believe she has had an epiphany about spending, even getting her future predecessor from Papineau to utter the words “fiscally responsible”, but these are the arsonists who lit the inflationary fire in the first place.
Tomorrow, the finance minister has an opportunity to stop her inflationary spending, stop new taxes, stop punishing Canadians and stop plans to triple the carbon tax.