Mr. Speaker, in Canada a woman is murdered every 2.5 days. Fifty per cent are killed by intimate partners and 26% are killed by a family member.
The early signs are there, and too many look away: “It's just that they do not like my friends or family.” “It's just that they are keeping me on a tight budget.” “It's just that they have a short temper.” “It's just a bruise.” “It's just a scratch.“ “It's just a burn.” “It's just how it is.” These are some of the myriad of ways that victims of coercive control, intimate partner and gender-based violence are trapped and silenced around us each and every day, and it is just not right.
This week and the next, the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence sends the message that “it is not just”. It means that we are working to making sure victims are not trapped and that we will not be silent in our pursuit to protect them. We are not only standing together, but also stating clearly and with conviction that it is just not right.
Today and every day we need to listen to the victims of gender-based violence. We need to hear them, see them and believe them.