Mr. Speaker, number 10 streaks down the ice, fast as lightning, blond hair flying. Unleashing all his speed, skill and strength, he closes in on the net. Goal! Celebrations break out all over the street, the neighbourhood, the city, the province.
Those are the kinds of vivid memories we have of the “blond demon” whose passing has left all of Quebec in mourning. I once had the honour of meeting Guy Lafleur, the top goal scorer of his era, who won five Stanley Cups with the Montreal Canadiens. I was struck by how approachable and personable this living legend was.
His name will remain etched in our memories, not only for the on-ice exploits that inspired a generation, but also for the great man that he was.
The Flower was, and will remain forevermore, the pride of Montreal, Quebec and the entire nation.
I thank “Ti-Guy”. May he rest in peace.