Mr. Speaker, Christians in Canada and around the world have been preparing through Lent for the joyous arrival of Easter: the feast of all feasts that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ in both our communities and our hearts. As engraved over the windows of the Peace Tower, here on Parliament Hill, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. That is from Proverbs 29:18.
This year, we enter Easter at a challenging time that calls for peace, healing and hope, as well as a worldwide vision that invites all of us, regardless of faith, to seek unity. Easter is a time of new beginnings when we are reminded of God's providence and unconditional love, for Jesus bore our sins on the cross and made intercession for our transgressions. As we let go and let God, this Holy Week we lift our eyes to the cross to receive the grace of amazement.
I wish everyone celebrating in Vaughan—Woodbridge and around the world a blessed Holy Week and a happy Easter. Buona Pasqua a tutti.