Mr. Speaker, yesterday our friend, former MP and cabinet minister David Kilgour, died.
Everything in David's life was animated by his deep Christian faith. The anti-politician's politician, David ran for the Conservatives and won. He ran for the Liberals and won, and ultimately sat as an independent.
He had little or no time for the compromises of politics, or prime ministers or party leaders. If a government hung in the balance over Darfur, so what? If he was banned by the Government of China for advocating on behalf of the Falun Gong or the Uighurs, so what? David's passion was so strong and his advocacy so effective that it was ultimately taken up by many others.
While David could be described as a maverick with a cause, he also knew how to work a room. He put people together to move agendas, and David always had an agenda. David lived by Matthew 22: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind,” and “love your neighbour as yourself.”
David had a diverse set of neighbours, and he loved them all. I thank Laura for sharing him with us.