Mr. Speaker, as a Rotarian, I was pleased to attend the Rotary District 7040 conference last Saturday to hear from Michel Rodrigue, president and CEO of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and our own Dr. Vera Etches, medical officer of Ottawa Public Health, on the impact of COVID-19 on mental health. Their insight and experience in the field were very insightful and presented valuable lessons in dealing with the remnants of the pandemic and in transitioning to a post-COVID environment.
I also had the pleasure to witness Orléans Rotarians Julia Ginley and Gayle Oudeh receive the Paul Harris Society fellowship award from District Governor Fay Campbell, who is also an Orléans resident. The Paul Harris Society fellowship awards recognize individuals who have contributed their time to community involvement. Because of their dedication, the Orléans rotary chapter will continue to flourish as an indispensable branch of Rotary International. Bravo.