Mr. Speaker, this is the tragedy we see before us. I know the parliamentary secretary cares about climate. I am sure the Prime Minister and the Minister of Environment care about climate. However, the totality of their efforts puts us on track to an unlivable world for our kids, as assessed by the science.
Global atmosphere is not interested in negotiating with the Liberal government. Liberals are not going to get any brownie points for good intentions. They have to meet what the science requires, and the science requires far more than they are committing to.
At the same time that they were making these incremental, feel-good measures towards climate action, they approved Baie du Nord for one billion more barrels of oil to be burned for more greenhouse gases, and they persist in the insanity, the obscenity of taking public money to build a Trans Mountain pipeline for diluted bitumen to further fuel the climate crisis. I say, shame.