Mr. Speaker, let me add my congratulations on your election. As Speaker, may you have the wisdom of Solomon and the patience of Job.
Like all of us in this chamber, you will be assisted by a bright and eager group of House of Commons pages. I welcome the new cohort to this place, and thank them for their willingness to be here, helping us to be our best selves and making this chamber effective and efficient.
These talented students have earned their place here through hard work, dedication and a commitment to public service. They are not our servants. They are making Canada a democracy that works. As we welcome them, we remember it is our responsibility to be respectful and kind, and to ensure they have the opportunity to learn, grow and make a meaningful contribution to the future of Canada.
As we begin this new session, let us remember all those who work in this chamber and outside it. Security officers, table officers and staff members make it safe and welcoming, ensuring our traditions are honoured. We thank them all.