Mr. Speaker, after eight years, Canadians continue to feel the impact of the NDP-Liberal government's inflationary taxes on heat, gas and groceries. A resident from my community recently shared his home gas bill. The carbon tax was higher than the cost of gas.
Minimum carbon tax amounts are set by the federal government and it has now imposed two carbon taxes. The Liberals have not hit one single climate target with their tax plan.
The Parliamentary Budget Officer says that this tax will shrink the economy and that carbon tax 2 will cost the average household an extra $573 per year without any rebates, with families in some provinces having to pay at least $1,100. Combined, carbon taxes 1 and 2 will cost families up to $4,000 each year.
Most seniors, young adults and families simply cannot afford this. This is on top of inflationary food costs and mortgage interest costs.
The Prime Minister is just not worth the cost.