Mr. Speaker, to my fellow British Columbian across the way, congratulations for making it this far.
I wanted to ask the hon. member about one thing. There is a missing component to his right to repair, and that is not the member's fault. The Copyright Act can be changed to allow for someone to move around a technology protection measure. That is something we can clearly do in this place. However, it is the provinces that have jurisdiction over contract law, specifically for warranties.
Many of the companies that say they do not want to allow for the circumvention of a TPM through the Copyright Act could simply say they are not going to honour a warranty. They could say that if someone uses right to repair through the Copyright Act, they will simply disallow any warranties or any other contracts if there is an agreement for ongoing service.
What will the member do knowing this? How is he approaching the provinces? Has he? I would like to know, because lots of consumers have put great faith in the idea that this bill will change everything. However, large companies that do not want to co-operate with this new copyright change could simply change their tactics and update their user agreements or contracts.