Mr. Speaker, scarcely a year ago, in the House, we Conservatives asked the government to cancel the carbon tax on home heating. All parties in the House voted against us, including the Bloc. It is costly to vote for the Bloc.
Last Thursday, because he is plummeting in the polls, the Prime Minister announced a temporary pause for home heating oil. He did this only with his Atlantic members. Why? The Minister of Rural Economic Development explained it: The other regions just have to vote Liberal.
Where are the members from Quebec when it comes to protecting taxpayers’ money? Are they with the Bloc, which wants to radically increase the carbon tax?
Not only is this measure unfair to 97% of Canadians, but it is also divisive. Even the Liberal carbon tax’s architect, Catherine McKenna, said she was heartbroken over this Liberal flip-flop. The current Minister of Environment said that if saw another one, he would slam the door. Things are not going well with the Liberals.
For us, Conservatives, it is clear. Eliminating the carbon tax is just common sense.