Mr. Speaker, if there is one thing humans cannot do, it is erase pages from history. If we could, we would rewrite major parts of our history, like the horrors experienced by the Ukrainian people under the yoke of the U.S.S.R. in the winter of 1932-33, when dictator Stalin deliberately cut off food supplies to the entire country in order to wipe out the population through famine. It was an atrocity, a genocide in the true meaning of the word, that came to be known as the Holodomor.
Millions of Ukrainians perished, including entire families and villages. Survivors carried the scars of the horrors they had lived through, and those who were able to passed on the knowledge of the Holodomor to their descendants, so that future generations would ensure that such an atrocity never happened again.
However, it is happening again right now in Ukraine. Now more than ever, Ukraine's allies must stand in solidarity and support the Ukrainian people in their fight against the dictator Putin. We do not have the right to let history repeat itself. We do not need another Holodomor to commemorate.
Slava Ukraini.