Mr. Speaker, Canada's future prosperity depends on embracing science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM. The problem is that young people tend to lose interest in STEM by the time they finish high school.
Since 1993, London-based organization Let's Talk Science has tried to address that challenge by providing vital programming and resource support for teachers who bring science to life, making it interesting, fun and, most importantly, relevant to daily life.
The organization also works with early years centres, community organizations and parents. With the help of volunteers, almost always drawn from post-secondary institutions, it has been able to reach no fewer than 1,500 communities right across the country.
I would be remiss if I did not mention the donors whose support makes all this work possible, as it is free of charge, and the work of founder and president, Bonnie Schmidt, along with the staff and board. Bonnie is a testament to learning in Canada, to education and to giving back.