Mr. Speaker, Canada disburses an average of approximately $55 million annually to help meet the development and humanitarian needs of vulnerable Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and neighbouring countries. All programming and funding mechanisms are thoroughly examined to be consistent with Canadian values and to meet the highest standards of transparency and accountability.
Since the onset of the October 7, 2023, attacks, the Minister of International Development has explicitly directed the department to reinforce and expand its already robust vetting procedures. This directive ensures even more thorough scrutiny is applied, going beyond our multi-tiered system, to guarantee that no aid inadvertently benefits Hamas or other non-compliant entities. This heightened vigilance is a testament to our commitment to ethical aid distribution, aligning with our unwavering dedication to upholding the integrity of our humanitarian efforts.
All Canadian funding to Palestinians goes through trusted partner organizations, such as United Nations agencies and Canadian international non-governmental organizations. Global Affairs Canada exercises enhanced due diligence for all humanitarian and development assistance funding for Palestinians, to ensure that no money goes into the hands of terrorist groups like Hamas. These efforts are twofold, involving a systematic screening process of all implementing and sub-implementing partners against three anti-terrorism regimes. The first is the list of entities under Canada’s Criminal Code, managed by Public Safety. The second is the regulations implementing the United Nations resolutions on the suppression of terrorism, RIUNRST, managed by Global Affairs Canada. The third is the regulations implementing the United Nations resolutions on Taliban, ISIL or Da’esh, and Al-Qaida, UNAQTR, which are the 1267 list and 1988 list, managed by the United Nations.
Anti-terrorism provisions figure in all of our funding agreements, wherein Canadian partners’ responsibilities are made clear and agreed to by said partners. Every implementing partner and sub-implementer is screened in line with international standards and Canadian domestic anti-terrorism legislation and requirements. The Government of Canada is not aware of any foreign aid, provided by Canada, ending up in the hands of Hamas.