Mr. Speaker, over the next eight days, Jewish families will gather around to celebrate the story of Hanukkah. Judah and a small group of Maccabean rebels represent a triumph of light over darkness. Each night with each new candle, the menorah gets just a little bit brighter.
This year, the hope of Hanukkah is needed more than ever, as Jews are once again forced to suffer at the hands of the monsters who are trying to destroy them. Jews have seen countless oppressors who have sought to extinguish our culture and traditions, but each time the Jewish people have endured. We will persist and those who seek our destruction will never succeed.
Today, I am also thinking of all the hostages still held in Gaza for two months who will be kept from celebrating Hanukkah with their families. It is time to bring them all home.
As we enjoy latkes and sufganiot and light the candles on the menorah, and as children rejoice in the fun of receiving gifts and spinning the dreidel, I wish all a happy Hanukkah.
Chag Chanukah sameach.