Mr. Speaker, we are back again on the issue of foreign interference in Canada. Why? Well, it is an important issue that seems to be addressed in stealth, if at all, by the federal government. Perhaps its members think that if it is ignored, it will go away, or maybe the government is aware of the extent to which foreign operatives have conducted their interference strategies. Perhaps the government is fully aware that these foreign operatives have hit close to home and have raised their nefarious heads to manipulate Canada's electoral system and brazenly violate our electoral laws, all to place in office elected representatives who would be more favourable to the interests of China or Iran. If that is the case, it would be severely prudent for the Canadian government to decisively act to expose these individuals instead of doing nothing. That would be the sensible thing to do, shine a bright light on these operatives and either arrest or expel them. Yet, we see nothing being done.
A parliamentary committee recently explored the issue of foreign interference, because Canada has become a safe haven for thugs for the Chinese and Iranian regimes who seem to intimate and threaten at will anyone they want. As one citizen put it recently, “I'm not sure how safe I feel when the man who tortured my father lived in the same neighbourhood as my family.”
Is this the Canada that we want? Is this the level of protection that Canadians want to see from their own government? I think not.
As a member of the House, I also do not want to engage with other members who do not have Canada's best interest in their hearts. What a sham Parliament that would be. What a travesty to our electoral system. What an insult to the safety of our citizens. Such indifference displayed to date by the Canadian government is tantamount to a national disgrace.
The procedure and House affairs committee has been going along for a few months now investigating the reality of foreign interference in Canada. There is no secret that it has happened and is happening.
So what of our intelligence services and their efforts to combat international efforts that destabilize our institutions and threaten our citizens? Well, as the committee was told recently, CSIS is mandated to protect Canada and Canadians against foreign interference, among other threats. To respond to threats, CSIS works in collaboration with other partners, including the RCMP. In addition, CSIS is a core member of the Security and Intelligence Threats to Elections Task Force, which coordinates efforts to protect federal elections. It is very clear that these agencies are well aware of the existence of foreign operatives in our country.
We also hear of money-laundering operations. I am sure this money is not being used by Iran or China to contribute to the making of a better world.
Why is this government a doormat to foreign interference? Why do its members continue to bury their heads in the sand?