Mr. Speaker, after eight years of the Liberal Prime Minister, Canadians are out of money and they cannot afford to eat or to heat or house themselves. In fact, a recent StatsCan report found that a quarter of Canadians are not able to cover an unexpected expense of $500, yet the Liberal government continues to pile on new taxes, hike up existing taxes and double down on its wasteful spending, which fuels high inflation and drives up the cost of everything.
This April 1, taxes on Canadian-made wines, beers and spirits are going up 6.3% and gas prices are set to rise 14ยข a litre. The Liberals want to triple the carbon tax. They call it an environmental plan, but it has done nothing to reduce emissions. It is simply another Liberal tax that steals hard-earned money from Canadians' pockets and gives it to the government. Canadians are suffering and they need our help, not more Liberal tax increases.
Canadians can count on Conservatives to deliver to them the hope they need. They can count on us so they can keep the heat on and take the tax off.