Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present a petition from many concerned citizens of Toronto who are extremely upset by Harbourfront Centre's lack of public consultation in undertaking repairs to a cultural landmark. When Heritage Canada provided Harbourfront Centre with $20 million in repair and upgrade funding, it included the replacement of a much beloved and popular skating rink. Harbourfront, behind closed doors and without public consultation, decided to rip up this landmark's community skating rink.
The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to review its financial commitment to Harbourfront and its obligations. They also want the government to advise the centre that it has deviated from its initial goals and request the centre consult area residents on its new priorities, including maintaining the skating facility.
I thank the petitioners, especially Carol McCanse, for their hard work on this important issue. Harbourfront Centre should throw open its doors and listen to the voices of our community and the taxpayers who provided this $20 million.