Mr. Speaker, I would like to present a petition on behalf of over 17,000 Canadians who are demanding economic justice and ensuring that profiteering in the grocery sector is truly held to account. It reads:
Loblaws currently owns a grocery store within 10 km of 90% of all Canadians;
Loblaws has posted record profits while Canadians struggle to eat;
Loblaws has monopolized basic necessities that Canadians rely on;
Loblaws introduced a price freeze however have failed to live up to that promise;
The price of food is rising in Canada and more Canadians are relying on food banks to get food for their family; and
Loblaws in the middle of the pandemic cut their pandemic pay for the workers.
Therefore, the undersigned 17,000 Canadians are asking for the following:
1. Open a parliamentary investigation into Loblaws Co. for their pandemic profiteering, greedflation and continued price gouging of Canadians; and
2. Open an investigation into the monopolization of Canadian grocery stores and to create legislation to prevent this from occurring again.