Motion No. 1
That Bill C-13, in Clause 2, be amended by
(a) replacing, in the English version, line 39 on page 2 with the following:
ties, including by restoring and increasing their demo-
(b) replacing, in the English version, line 44 on page 2 with the following:
ties, including by restoring and increasing their demo-
Motion No. 2
That Bill C-13, in Clause 3, be amended by replacing lines 3 to 8 on page 4 with the following:
taking into account the fact that French is in a minority situation in Canada and North America due to the predominant use of English and that there is a diversity of provincial and territorial language regimes that contribute to that advancement, including Quebec’s Charter of the French Language, which provides that French is the official language of Quebec;
(b.2) advance the existence of a majority-French soci-
Motion No. 3
That Bill C-13, in Clause 4, be amended by
(a) replacing line 14 on page 4 with the following:
2.1 (1) The President of the Treasury Board is responsible for exercising
(b) replacing lines 17 and 18 on page 4 with the following:
(2) The President of the Treasury Board shall, in consultation with the other ministers of the Crown, coordinate the implementa-
Motion No. 4
That Bill C-13, in Clause 6, be amended by deleting lines 23 to 28 on page 5.
Motion No. 5
That Bill C-13, in Clause 7, be amended by replacing, in the French version, line 14 on page 6 with the following:
d) ces droits doivent être interprétés en tenant compte du fait
Motion No. 6
That Bill C-13, in Clause 14, be amended by
(a) adding after line 2 on page 11 the following:
33.1 In this Part, “employee” includes an employee who represents the employer, a person who performs for an employer activities whose primary purpose is to enable the person to acquire knowledge or experience and a person who has been placed by a temporary help agency.
(b) replacing lines 7 to 13 on page 11 with the following:
(2) A person appointed by the Governor in Council to the position of deputy minister or associate deputy minister or a position of an equivalent rank in a department named in Schedule I to the Financial Administration Act shall, on their appointment, take the language training that is necessary to be able to speak and understand clearly both official languages.
Motion No. 7
That Bill C-13, in Clause 16, be amended by
(a) replacing lines 3 to 11 on page 12 with the following:
use of both official languages, managers and supervisors are able to communicate in both official languages with employees of the institution in carrying out their managerial or supervisory responsibilities; and
(b) adding after line 15 on page 12 the following:
(3.1) Paragraph 36(1)(c) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(c) ensure that, if it is appropriate in order to create a work environment that is conducive to the effective use of both official languages,
(i) managers and supervisors are able to communicate in both official languages with employees of the institution in carrying out their managerial or supervisory responsibilities, and
(ii) employees are supervised by their managers and supervisors in the official language of their choice,
regardless of the linguistic identification of their position; and
(c) adding after line 27 on page 12 the following:
(5) Section 36 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (2):
(3) Nothing in subparagraph (1)(c)(ii) abrogates or derogates from the right of a person to hold a position or carry out managerial or supervisory responsibilities in a federal institution if they held that position or carried out those responsibilities in the institution immediately before the coming into force of that subparagraph.
Motion No. 8
That Bill C-13, in Clause 21, be amended by
(a) replacing line 19 on page 14 with the following:
(4) The Government of Canada shall estimate periodically,
(b) replacing line 31 on page 16 with the following:
these mechanisms shall take into account the obligations set
Motion No. 9
That Bill C-13, in Clause 22, be amended by replacing line 38 on page 18 to line 2 on page 19 with the following:
43 (1) The Minister of Canadian Heritage shall advance the equality of status and use of English and French in Canadian society, and to that end may take measures to
Motion No. 10
That Bill C-13, in Clause 50, be amended by replacing, in the French version, line 9 on page 44 with the following:
(2) Le ministre du Patrimoine canadien fait déposer un rapport de l’examen devant chaque
Motion No. 15
That Bill C-13, in Clause 71, be amended by adding after line 39 on page 75 the following:
(1.1) Subsections 16(3.1) and (5) come into force on the second anniversary of the day on which this Act receives royal assent.