Mr. Speaker, “insulting” is how the Liberal premier of Newfoundland and Labrador describes Ottawa's approach to carbon tax. Atlantic premiers have long called for Ottawa to re-examine the policies of the Liberal government that will result in a heavier cost for the people of Atlantic Canada.
The PM's close friend Premier Furey said, “I take great exception to the federal's a false dilemma, and it's as insulting to us as it is simplistic.” On July 1, Atlantic Canadians will pay an extra 20¢ per litre for heating fuel as a result of carbon tax 1, and that same day, carbon tax 2.0 will add another 20¢ per litre to diesel and heating oil, 17¢ to gasoline, and 12¢ per litre to propane, so those who heat their homes with oil will be slammed with a total of 40¢ extra per litre.
If the Liberal government will not listen to Atlantic Canadians, then there is one thing left to do: get rid of the Liberal government.