Mr. Speaker, who is our Conservative leader?
Many know him as the common sense leader this country needs. His schoolteacher parents know him as the boy they adopted and raised in their modest home in Calgary. His dad knows him as the son he took to early morning hockey games. His neighbours know him as the boy who delivered the morning newspaper. His children know him, in French, Spanish and English, as “Papa”.
I know him as the man who helped show me the ropes on Parliament Hill in 2015, as we worked on a poverty reduction study at the HUMA committee, where he warned the government to do no harm with its policies. However, eight years later, the numbers speak for themselves. Eight years of bad policy does harm Canadians, and we have seen it under the government. Therefore, when he says, “It doesn't matter who you know or where you're from, but rather who you are and where you're going”, those are not just empty words. He has lived it. It is common sense. Let us bring it home.