Mr. Speaker, after nine years of NDP-Liberals, taxes are up, costs are up, crime is up and time is up.
Yesterday, the Parliamentary Budget Officer confirmed yet again that the carbon tax costs Canadians more than they get back in rebates. When the NDP-Liberals quadruple the carbon tax, families in Alberta will pay nearly $2,000. It is not just Albertans who are fed up. All 10 provinces are now opposed to the costly coalition's carbon tax. The government will point to this very same report and talk about how great its rebate is, but ignore the report's findings that show the average Canadian household will see a net loss.
When it comes to this government's narrative on its economy-crippling carbon tax, the jig is up too. The carbon tax is driving up the cost of gas, groceries and home heating. Neither this NDP-Liberal government nor their carbon tax is worth the cost.
Canadians from coast to coast are ready for this Prime Minister to call a carbon tax election.