Mr. Speaker, “I remember” is the motto of Quebeckers. This morning, I would like my colleague to remember certain events. He talked about Liberal government corruption and lack of transparency. I want to go back in history because it is important to remember what happened.
The Conservative Party claims to be the party of common sense, transparency, of fighting corruption in this world. However, when the Conservatives were in power, they diverted funds. I would remind my colleague that former Conservative minister Tony Clement, diverted not $10 million, not $20 million, not $30 million, not $40 million, but $50 million to his riding during the G8 summit.
He does not remember, this morning. I would also like to remind him of the questions of privilege that his government did not comply with at the time. The Conservative government did not produce the documents during the Afghan detainee transfer scandal. There was also the Senate expenses scandal, the robocall affair, and omnibus Bill C‑38 to implement budget 2012.
I have a simple question for my colleague. How are Quebeckers supposed to have confidence in a potential future Conservative government when the Conservatives have such a poor record?