Madam Speaker, I am very pleased to join the debate today on the current scandal. I am going to start with a quote from Andy Warhol: “I wake up every morning. I open my eyes and think: here we go again.” It is another Liberal scandal. It is another case of Liberals benefiting Liberal insiders, Liberals blocking the legally ordered production of documents and the Liberal government disrespecting Parliament.
Those watching at home ask, “Which scandal are we talking about?” This includes my colleague's son, who is probably one of two or three people still watching on CPAC. They want to know which scandal; there have been so many. Are we here talking about the SNC-Lavalin scandal, in which the government interfered with a justice case so that their preferred company, SNC-Lavalin, would escape being banned from bidding on government procurement projects?
Are we here talking about the WE Charity scandal, in which the government used taxpayer dollars to hire and pay off the Prime Minister's family? They bailed out the broken company of the creepy WE founders, who were famous Liberal Party promoters. The new Quebec Liberal lieutenant, the current Minister of Procurement, who was the Treasury Board minister at the time, broke and violated the Official Languages Act to ensure that a sole-sourced $950-million contract was given to WE Charity.
We can think about that. A man from the government, someone who was supposed to be representing Quebec interests, violated the Official Languages Act so that a unilingual company made up of friends of the Prime Minister got a sole-sourced contract.
Of course, we remember that the finance minister at the time, Bill Morneau, received a $47,000 gift from WE Charity to fly his family on a luxury vacation. This is the same WE Charity he was funnelling money to with his budgets and that also employed his daughter.
Is it the Prime Minister's vacation scandal? We ask, “Which one?” I should be more specific. Is it the billionaire island scandal, in which the Prime Minister received a free trip from a registered lobbyist? Is it perhaps the surfing holiday scandal? On the very first officially recognized Truth and Reconciliation Day, the Prime Minister headed off to Tofino to go surfing. Perhaps it is the most recent Christmas scandal, in which the Prime Minister went on vacation to Jamaica. He received a $9,000-a-night gift from a friend who is also, of course, a donor to the Trudeau Foundation. Luckily, this time, it was not a Trudeau Foundation donor linked to the PRC, at least not that we know of.
Is it perhaps the ArriveCAN scandal, in which the government gave millions to companies to do no work for an app that did not work? The app sent 10,000 Canadians into quarantine by mistake. When we had the government in the mighty OGGO committee, we actually heard that they did not even test the app upgrade that they paid millions for before releasing it and inflicting it upon Canadians.
I would like to continue with some of these scandals. How much time do I have for this speech? I only have 16 minutes, so I do not have enough time to cover the rest.