Mr. Speaker, I commend the Conservatives for having some members here. I want to also remember the last time, on September 19, 2023, when they were all ordered to stay away from the chamber and not make any statements or ask questions. I wonder who called the member for Carleton to vacate the chamber at that time.
In 2023, the Prime Minister rose in the House of Commons and affirmed what Sikh Canadians had feared. Agents within the Indian government were responsible for the murder of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil and at a place of worship. Little did we know that this would just be the beginning of the shock waves across our nation, that we would find out about India's dangerous interference with Canadian democracy, public life and organized crime.
In the months that followed this historic statement, Sikh and South Asian businesses within my constituency and the city of Surrey began receiving threats of extortion and violent calls and messages. One of many examples is a local Surrey business owner who was threatened to either pay thousands of dollars or face consequences, with the extortionist stating, “If you do not pay us, we are going to burn your car, and then we are coming in 20 minutes.”
Another experience involved a threat by an extortionist firing bullets through a home while families were present inside. To top this all off, multiple Sikh community leaders were given a “duty to warn” by the RCMP, indicating that they were in imminent threat of assassination due to their differing political opinions.
We then saw the home of one of Canada's biggest South Asian artists, AP Dhillon, being fired upon and vehicles in his driveway being lit on fire, all while it was being videotaped and subsequently aired by the perpetrators themselves, a technique designed to instill fear and terror in Canadians.
The RCMP stated that these actions by the agents of the Indian government were not only against Sikh Canadians who oppose the Indian government but also against anyone who opposes the Indian government for any reason. Let me remind everyone that if that is the case, then anyone who opposes the current Indian government can be a target.
I want to commend the RCMP, our intelligence agencies and all the law enforcement agencies of this country for their extraordinary work in discovering the Indian government's criminal acts and transnational aggression. I thank them. These actions are a grave threat, not only to the sovereignty of Canada but also to the basic public security of Sikh and South Asian communities. Sikh Canadians whose families come to Canada to build a safe and secure future for their families, fleeing prosecution many times and violence from the Indian government, now find that the violence is being brought to their doorsteps right here in Canada.
We will not and cannot leave these families and communities vulnerable in a time of need. As Canadians, it is our duty to serve and protect all those who have worked tirelessly over the decades, contributing to the betterment of Canadian society. Many of the children of those who fled are now Canada's top business owners, lawyers, judges, nurses, teachers, doctors and entrepreneurs. We must stand up for them as a united chamber.
With the revelations coming out of the RCMP having evidence linking Indian government agents in Canada to these threats, extortion and violent crimes, including the murder of Sikh activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar and potentially other murders, the time has now come to put politics aside and unite as a country in condemning these acts of horrific violence.
There is a lot of propaganda coming out of India, and, in fact, even from the Conservative leadership, that states, “Show the evidence.” It has now been confirmed that the RCMP shared the evidence with India. However, the Indian government refused to acknowledge it or co-operate with our authorities.
We know who else did the same: the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. He is the only elected leader of a political party of the House who has not agreed to take an oath of secrecy that is required not only to see either the evidence against the Government of India in the murder, extortion and harassment of Sikhs and South Asian Canadians but also to see the unredacted report of NSICOP that identifies current or previous parliamentarians in the Conservative Party of Canada who are influenced by or work for the interests of foreign governments.
Therefore there are only two institutions that refuse to see the evidence: the Government of India and the Conservative Party of Canada. This should make everyone extremely concerned. Does a person who wants to be Prime Minister and who is the leader of His Majesty's loyal opposition not want to know the truth? Could it be because he does not want to see his own name in the report? Leaks from CSIS reports shown in the media have said that the state of India decided to support the MP from Carleton both financially and through institutes sympathetic to them to win the Conservative Party leadership.
Members and leaders within the House are elected to act on the concerns raised by their constituents. This means obtaining necessary security clearance that would allow them to identify threats from foreign nations, within their own parties and the chamber. For the last year, by not taking the oath for clearance, the leader of the Conservative Party has refused to protect the safety of Sikhs and South Asian Canadians. As the Prime Minister has revealed, there are former and active members within the Conservative Party who are or have been involved with foreign interference activities. Why does the leader of the Conservative Party continue to place his personal politics over the safety of Canadians?
Foreign interference activities by India are at an all-time high. In fact, foreign interference from India far exceeds that from China, Russia or Iran, all non-democracies, as only India has been identified by the RCMP as a state that has had its consular staff actually gather information and coordinate with organized crime to commit crimes in Canada on Canadian soil.
To Hindu Canadians, I want to be unequivocally clear: This is not a Sikh or Hindu issue. This is a Canadian issue, an issue of Canadians versus the Government of India. Today it is about Sikhs. Tomorrow it will be about the Dalit, political opponents of the BJP, women's groups or Christians. Hindu Canadians cannot let the Indian media fool them.
This is a time when all Canadian parliamentarians must stand together, show the world that Canada is a place where people can speak their mind, express themself and live free from reprisal. It is time for democracies to unite, stand by the rule of law and defend their citizens. It is a time for everyone, from the leadership of this country down to its citizens, to stand by our law enforcement agencies and take no lessons from those who try to intimidate and destroy us.
Canada is a free country and a sovereign state, and it will never allow a country to intimidate or threaten our citizens.