Mr. Speaker, I cannot believe that question. This is very simple. If the member wants this to end, they just need to provide those documents.
To respond to the member, my speech was about the record number of scandals of any government we have ever had in Canada, and it was too hard to list them all. However, I will answer his question with what Andrew Coyne said in an article in The Globe and Mail. It reads:
Liberals have always been prone to being corrupted by power, but the current crop of Liberals are unique for being corrupted by their own virtue.
The preening moral vanity that is a signature of the...Liberals - the gratitude, as in the Pharisee’s prayer, that they are “not like other men” - is not, alas, an act. They truly believe it, to the point that they are literally incapable of conceiving of themselves doing wrong.
It isn’t only that they are surrounded by people like themselves, in other words: They are surrounded by people who think like them, and whose first thought at all times is that whatever it is they are thinking must be for the good.
The Liberals do not even recognize ethical breaches anymore. That question was evidence that the member did not listen to my speech.