Mr. Speaker, sadly, like the Prime Minister and the minister, the parliamentary secretary believes her talking points and eagerly adopts the “ignorance is bliss” mantra of the government. This “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” position will no doubt be reinforced on November 7, with the visit to Toronto by United Nations special rapporteur Francesca Albanese. Ms. Albanese is known for her open support of Hamas and other terror groups. She knows her rigged reports and comments are used to justify attacks on Israelis and Jews. In fact, in November 2022, Ms. Albanese participated in an official terrorist conference of Hamas.
Section 83 of the Criminal Code of Canada prohibits support for terrorism, so I have two simple questions for the parliamentary secretary. Will the Minister of International Development be adding the not-so-special rapporteur to his list of most trusted people? Most importantly, will the government stop Ms. Albanese from bringing her hatred and support for terrorists to Canada?