Mr. Speaker, today I rise to table a petition presented by Sonia Strobel, co-founder and CEO of Skipper Otto community-supported fishery, along with 4,645 signatories, asking the government to move ahead with the transition away from open net-pen salmon farming on Canada's Pacific coast. Constituents and stakeholders across sectors have been very concerned about the harms of open net-pen salmon farms and the pace of the government's move to implement the transition by 2025, as promised. Although the government has recently confirmed its plans to move away from open net-pen salmon farms and published a draft transition plan, concerns remain about the substance of this plan and the timelines involved.
This petition was opened before the announcement, but it is still highly relevant as it clearly demonstrates that petitioners, including first nations and commercial and recreational fishers, are coming together to urge the government to move ahead rapidly with the plan and implement it by 2025, as promised, although it is now clear that this date may not be met.